Here is an information page for Mega Man Battle Network 6.

Release Date:
Japan: 2006
USA: 2006
Europe: 2006
Game Boy Advance

Game Specs:
Mega Man Battle Network 6 is the sixth and final game of the Battle Network series. In this game, a mysterious cyber-best unleashed on your network and it will, if no one stops it, to sabotage the entire network completely. However MegaMan.Exe have had the opportunity to team up with these cyber beast and can thus use their forces in battle.
Moreover, he can combine these with the usual Crosses as he can get in this game to become even more powerful. Capcom has pushed in all of this together with a whole bunch of new Battle Chips, and lots of new enemies and foes. Mega Man Battle Network 6 concludes the whole Battle Network series in a very clever and useful way.


Lan and his family have moved to Cyber City since Lance's father has a new job and has thus provided all the ACDC Town behind him. Lan starts at a new school where he gets new friends, and soon begins to feel at home in the city. But soon he discovers that one of the teachers at his new school is a former member of Mr. WWW. Match.
Lan do not know why, but decides to investigate. Soon he realized that the WWW has returned, and that they have something new going on. Wily has succeeded in detecting the two legendary super-programs, called Cybeasts, named Greg and Falz.
Gregor was created by a massive collection of insects, while Falz was created that we could stop the problem with Greg. Wily has also created two pieces Copy Bots which he installed with great programs from Greg and Falz.
While it seems that Baryl and Colonel.Exe is behind it all, and it soon appears that they have worked for Wily earlier. But they also disguise a rather dark secret.
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar Box Artwork
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Strategy Guide

Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar Box Artwork

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Front Back Media
Front Back Media
Strategy Guide